It’s Day 4 of the WAPAD and I have gotten in my quarter page a day. It seems ridiculously easy, but I have found myself still wanting to skip it a couple of times this week. However, I tell myself that it is only a little thing and get it done. The key for me is to get it done before getting to work. Thank goodness for commuter trains and a laptop. That really helps.
Of course, I haven’t been as diligent with getting any blog entries done. Instead of beating myself up for it, though, I’ve been philosophical. You can’t do it all. That’s why it’s really important to decide what’s important to you. Playwriting is really important to me.
I can feel a decision building up. I love watching TV. September is one of my favourite times of the year. I look forward to the TV times arriving and reading the synopses of all the new shows and picking which ones to watch. Sigh. Being a TV reviewer would be my dream job. But watching TV is time consuming. And I’m starting to regret spending so much time in front of the boob tube.
At this point, I can still do it all. My WAPAD commitment hasn’t grown to a point where it can’t be done on my train ride. I can still waste a couple of hours in front of the TV. But the end is coming, I fear.
There are a lot of things related to playwriting like reading plays, reading biographies of playwrights, watching plays, being involved in a playwriting group, submitting to contests and theatres, and, of course, writing. These are all things I should be doing or spending more time on. My beloved TV watching isn’t on that list. And if I am honest with myself, it is utterly expendable.
Because you can’t do it all, it is vitally important to decide what you can do. If you have writing goals, you need to look at those things that take your time and aren’t related to writing. Many of them are time wasters. To start, make a note of what they are and observe how much time you are spending on them. But be warned, you need to reduce or eliminate them eventually.
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